As we think about July 4

You know the American Revolution had an element of tax revolt in it. I say this because a Government must be careful to leave enough to its citizens that they might invest it and grow it and use their money to create. As we enter the mid-term election cycle we have the one thing the Chinese don’t have, the freedom to change course and the freedom to object to the direction this country is heading. Most of you know my Republican political leanings, and as a tax attorney what’s best for me, may not be what’s best for the Country. I thank God that I live in the United States. I would not trade living here with living in any other Country in the World. We may have a rough patch of road ahead, but I know that America will rebound. That free Americans will use their freedoms to move forward. It is amazing to me how quickly we can lose our freedoms. This leads me to my tax tale of the day. A girl, Blonda went into a tanning salon and found out that she had to pay 10% more for her tan than last week. Her best friend, Bambi, belongs to the Hot and Hotter Fitness Club. Hot and Hotter in addition to a few weight machines, saunas and bikes have tanning booths (which is included in their monthly fee). The exact same tanning booths that Blonda’s tanning salon has. Bambi pays no surtax, but Blonda does. Makes a lot of sense, right? Have a great weekend.