A Surprising Gift

February 1, 2009,

Jack, Sr. totaled the Muscle. “Son, we need to get me a new car.” “No problem, Dad. You and I need to talk. I feel like, I don’t know, I’m being taken advantage of here. You are constantly doing crazy things, I have no ownership interest in these businesses, I haven’t had a raise in five years.” His father blinked, “Son, don’t you want me to be happy? I built these dealerships and it was my name that built them. After your Mom died, I admit, I’ve been a bit crazy, but before that I scrimped and saved to build the business. This is my mad money.” Junior said, “But Dad, I’m running the business now. I should get something.” His dad smiled, “You’re right, I’ll tell Oscar to issue you a 10 percent ownership in the holding company as a bonus for all your good work.”

February 20, 2009.

“Here’s your stock certificate, Junior. By the way, I have to up your withholdings this year since this is taxable to you,” Oscar said in a matter of fact tone. “Taxable?” asked Junior. “That’s the law, son”. “Oh and son, when is that new car going to be delivered?” “We’re having it tricked out special for your dad.” After Oscar left the office, Junior threw an ash tray across the room shattering it. “Son of a bitch, we’ll have that car real tricked out alright.”

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