Junior gets some new playmates.

“Okay, I need to hear your side of the story”, the Detective started. “I know this much,

you fired once at the victim and he fired at you, all the witnesses confirmed this. What I want to know from you is why did you shoot first?” Jack Jenkins didn’t squirm or even blink. “I didn’t shoot first, he shot at me from across the street and missed, I returned fire and hit him in the gut on the first shot. I have a carry permit, since Junior started trying to kill me.” The detective smiled, “that pretty much confirms things that I know, but don’t leave town. Now I just need to know what this is all about. Are you part feline? I swear you have nine lives.”

The Detective then went to the hospital, “is he able to speak yet?” “No” the doctor said, “come back tomorrow”.

March 3, 2010.

“How do you plead?” the judge asked Jack, Jr. “Guilty, your honor”. The judge then asked all the required questions before accepting the plea which Junior answered each one the proper way. “I am going to accept your plea and accept the recommendation of the state that you be sentenced to 20 years. You played a very dangerous game and had one or more of your intended victims died, you would have been facing the needle. So, I remand you to the State Department of Corrections for assignment.” That night Jack, Jr. got off the bus at the minimum security work camp. As he drove up, Jack, Jr. asked the corrections officer why he was going to a work camp instead of a minimum security prison. “Because, we own your ass, boy, for the next 20 years and your daddy was a hero to the Governor. The bargain was kept to the letter as I understand it. Go whine to your lawyer”. Junior gingerly approached the barracks and was immediately surrounded by tough looking men with the look of wolves seeing fresh game. “We got us a newbie here, Trustee” one of them remarked. Junior’s first night in prison was not a fun night to say the least.

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