High and Inside

November 2, 2009

The fastball started to rise, it seemed as if it were coming toward his face in slow motion, he could see clearly the seems as the rotated toward his eye. Still nursing the effects of the party the night before, his body was frozen as if in concrete as the baseball screamed toward him. He managed to slightly turn his head which meant that the pitch hit him near his orbital bone. The tell tale cantelope splitting open sound of a baseball hitting a face echoed across the field. Jack, Sr. lost consciousness immediately.

The league kept paramedics at these games because heart attacks were so prevalent in these fantasy leagues as older out of shape men tried to re live their childhoods. They reacted instantly by immobilizing his head, putting him on a backboard and rushing him to Phoenix Hospital.

November 2, 2009

“Mr. Jenkins, this is Joe Webb from the Fantasy League, you need to get down here to Phoenix right away, there’s been an accident.” “What happened?” asked Jack, Jr. “You father got hit with a fastball in the face, he’s in route to the hospital right now. They’re taking him to Phoenix Hospital, their emergency room number is 555-555-5555.”

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