What should the boys do?

A little post-mortem estate planning. First the wife’s executor should disclaim $1.0 Million of assets preferably in the stock of the company (we’ll explain later). That way, his estate gets to use its $1.0 Million exemption and her estate gets to use her $1.0 Exemption. This reduces the tax by $500,000. Not there yet. However, since she disclaimed her interest in the business, it is still worth $2.5 Million, but her interest may be subject to some discounts as high as 25%. This means that her interest may only be $1.0 Million. That leaves the IRA and the houses and the condo to be taxed at $700,000. Sell the houses, since there is no capital gains there and pay the taxes with the proceeds. That leaves the $800,000 IRA which can be drawn down over time.

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